mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Goo goo dolls
Wearing: Jeans and a red shirt that says "Old Navy Staff"
Feeling like: What are we?

Monday, Jun. 02, 2003

Okay so I don't have much time because I have to leave for work in about fifteen minutes. So here are the highlights:

- Training yesterday was great. We all had a ton of fun and I can't wait to get over there today! I just hope the enthsiasim keeps up.

- Tod and I went to see The Italian Job last night and I loved it. It was like Ocean's 11 except with a city instead of a casino, gold instead of cash, and a subway instead of an elevator shaft! Priceless!

- On our way back from the movie this really hot guy was following us which was all fine and good until he started following us around the hometown! Not good! So I went up to one of those housing developments with tons of little side strees and lost him. So i dropped off Tod and as I was going home I saw him again and he started following me around the neighborhood! It was creepy! I just drove in a circle till he took the hint.

- And lastly, 'Member Nate? He left me a note and stangly enough it wasn't "Ha ha you're so pathetic and I'm so cool! Don't you wish you were me?" But it was civil to the point of being nice. I didn't know what to say. But I left him one. And I said "Ha ha you're so pathetic and I'm so cool! Don't you wish you were me?" KIDDING! You know where to find them if you want to read them.

last stop | next stop

mind the gap