mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Adreneline"; Gavin Rossdale
Wearing: Workout clothes
Feeling like: I'm not the kind to lay down and die

Friday, May. 16, 2003

So Dawson and I saw "The Matrix: Reloaded" it was good, but not as good as the first. I don't know why I feel so comfortable around him, I guess it's because I've known him for so long. We can talk non-stop for like ten minutes and then have complete silence for two minutes and it's not awkward, just normal. We also are planning on going to see the Lallapalooza (sp?) tour when it's in Denver. Incubus, The Donnas, A Perfect Circle, I'm so stoked!

October called last night just before nine. Why, I'll never know, I watch ER, he watched ER, ER is on at nine.But he thinks he;s going to come up for Memorial Day weekend. I told him he'd have to tag along to all the greaduation parties that I have to go to but he said he didn't mind.

New job prospect, there's a little Italian resturant in town that is hiring. That would be great because it's close enough that I could walk or take my bike over and they're not open on Sundays! Woo hoo! We're crossing our fingers for that one!

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mind the gap