mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Linkin Park in my head
Wearing: A cute pink thingy and jeans
Feeling like: I will never feel anything

Thursday, May. 15, 2003

Twenty five minutes until I leave to see the Matrix! Ahhh! Can't wait! I've heard that it sucks. But I still really want to see it, it got a good review from the Rocky Mountain News, but the DJ on the readio this afternoon said that she thought it sucked. But Dawson and I are going to see it a 4:15! Bonus matenee prices! Woo hoo!

So upset that Kinberly was voted off, I can't stand Ruben. But that's okay, because Clay is still going to win.

I'm almost unpacked! Still haven't heard on any jobs but, it's only been two days. If they call it will be in the next two weeks right? I'm so scared that I won't get a job! I need one so bad! I need to be able to pay for my own stuff so that I don't have to depend on my family for so much. I think I'm also going to try and get a job when I go back to school, if I can't get a work study. I was thinking that I'm going to try and get on at Blockbuster. I think that would be a killer job. I'm going to apply at blockbuster here too and see if I get a job here if I can transfer at the end of the summer. That would be nice.

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mind the gap