mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Save the Last Dance" on the Tube
Wearing: Nike Swish pants and a grey tee.
Feeling like: In this crowd you're gonna have to be a bit more specific

Sunday, Feb. 23, 2003

I cleaned organized and now I want to finish crywithwords template today! I'm hoping I can get it done, but it kind of depends on how frusurated I get. I can't wait 'till tomorrow, I love Mondays!

Okay so I hate to go all sullen teenager but I went home for three days and my face broke out and I now look like a middle schooler (no offense to any MS's out there!) But I look horrible! I'm on perscription meds for this and I shouldn't have to deal with this! Grr! It came up so fast after I go home I think it might have been all the chemicals and the minerals in the (shitty) water at home. I don't know, I'm going to do a mask tonight and see if it will somewhat clear up before tomorrow, it's getting better! Oye! Just make it go away!

last stop | next stop

mind the gap