mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: A great song off of a random a capella CD that I have
Wearing: Jammies and a towel tuban!
Feeling like: They looked at you and said what a good girl what a smart girl what a pretty girl

Sunday, Feb. 23, 2003

Currently Downloading the following:

"It's Oh So Quiet"; Bjork (Video): I love this video! I don't know why and I've never heard any of Bjorks other music, but I love this song and the video! Woo hoo!

"Back at One";Brian McKnight (Audio): I just love his voice and this song! I'm a sap at heart (Shh, don't tell anyone!)It's too sweet! Somedays (like today) it makes me cry!

"Anytime";Brian McKnight (Audio): Once again, fabu voice and back to the depressive side of me. I could so see myself singing this to myself as I walk past Dec's office. :-( Sad, no?

"Saturday in the Park", "You're the Inspiration", and "So Hard to Say I'm Sorry"; Chicago (Audio): I know it doesn't really fit, but I love this band. It's my dad's influence, but I adore Chicago and Boston and Hall and Oats!

Everything I could find of John Mayer (Audio): I don't get it about this kid. His voice is all scratchy and he's only like 16 or something but there's just something about him. I want to. . .well that's not important. ;-)

The day was greatly uneventful and I loved it! Mmm, okay and don't hate me but I'm really not that fond of Norah Jones.

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mind the gap