mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Goo goo dolls
Wearing: black pants and a burgandy shirt.
Feeling like: Why can't the moon stay full forever?

Friday, May. 30, 2003

I'm not really into horoscopes but for some reason I checked mine today. The first line? "You will be in your element today, Courtney." Whee! I love good news! I think most of the time horoscopes become self-fulfilling. It says you will have a bad day you have a bad day, it says you will have a good day and you do. So I normally don't read them and if I do, I read them at night. But this is so what I needed to hear today! I am in my element. Two hours and twenty minutes 'till my interview. ["Why should we hire you, here at Old Navy?" Smile "I am a fast and avid learner with great people skills. I'm energetic as well as enthusiastic and I believe I could do great things at this store."]

I made ten dollars in tips (nine after tipping [the busser] Toni) last night. I had two tables that had under twenty-five dollar tabs and they both gave me five dollars. Woo hoo! I'm gonna be a waitress! ["Welcome to Paulie and Deanna's, my name is Courtney and I'll be your server this evening. Our special tonight is Rigatoni. It comes with your choice of meat, two sausages, two meatballs, or one of each, a fresh salad, garlic bread, a sundae, and your drink all for nine-ninety-nine. What can I start you with to drink?"] Deanna says she doesn't know what she wants me to do tonight, because if she has me out on the floor it will take money away from the other girls. So I'm supposed to show up and sit around for four and a half hours? I don't think so! I would like at least two tables. That would be nice.

I'm having way too much trouble typing today so I'm callin' it!

last stop | next stop

mind the gap