mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Somwhere out there"; Our Lady Peace
Wearing: Black polo and jeans
Feeling like: You're falling back to me

Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003

So I can't/don't want to go into details about why this is on my mind but I've been thinking about how lucky I've been. With both of the guys that I've done anything with I was very lucky that when I said stop of slow down or whatever, they did. That's what's on my mind right now. They both understood that whole "no means no" concept. I'm learning that not all guys get that. And it's freaking me out beyond all reason.

I have Psych homework and it looks like rain. I need to get a meeting set up with my FIG kids. I can't get my mind off this stuff. . .

last stop | next stop

mind the gap