mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Wasting my Time"; Default
Wearing: White tank and grey panties w/ black flowers
Feeling like: I've already gone to far away

Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003

I'm munching on pretzel rods (my favorite) and thinking about tomorrow night. Par-tay!!! Hell yes! I cannot wait. Thank god we only have training until 4:00! I'm going to die! I swear!!! We've all been stoked for this all week! It'll just be fun to hang out and not have to wory about anything because everyone else has decided to get totally smashed, and I'm staying sober so that I can make fun of them all!! Yea!!!

Prissy asked me today if there was anything between Cameron and I. She said we were too comfortable flirting with each other and that she thought we should "hook up." Riiiiiight. We'll tell him that tomorrow night. ;-)

So tired!!

last stop | next stop

mind the gap