mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Food TV
Wearing: Jammies
Feeling like: I want some tea

Monday, Mar. 17, 2003

I know nobody wants to hear my whiny entry but you got it anyway. I feel like shit. I have cramps. My nose is stuffy. My eyes are all red and nasty. I want to go home, but I am home and there's still no one to take care of me (I'm such a baby) I want to cook something really bad, actually I want to make apple pie. I'm hungry but nothing sounds good. I want to sleep to pass the time but I'm not tired. I've tried to read but my eyes fuzz over. Same thing for TV. I'm so bored. I just want to get better, I've now been sick for almost a week. Why am I not getting better? I want to go see my friends but I'm afraid I'll get them sick! I want some tea. . .

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mind the gap