mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "take care of this House" From our Sacred Heart concert
Wearing: Jeans and an Old Navy sweater
Feeling like: The dream will be yours

Thursday, May. 01, 2003

So I'm on a mac in the music lab and i really don't think I'm supposed to be using the computer for this, but I am! I know I haven't been updating but I've actually had a social life the past week or so! I'm going to try and be a good gril and keep it up! Finals just suck!

October, Scott and I rented "The Good Girl" and "Darkness Falls" last night. I wasn't particularly fond of "the Good Girl" it was a little too weird for me! Darkness falls was just as scary as the first time, but a little eaiser because I had boys to hold onto *wink*wink*, yeah they're both gay, so don't get too excited. So scott went to bed and Oct and I watched "The Emporor's New Groove" and I fell asleep in Oct's bed. He wonke me up when it was over and walked me back to my room. I only remember getting to my room and telling him good night. I don't remember walking back to the room at all.

So Scott is planning this surprise party for October's birthday.Scott is so infatuated with him it's not even funny! It's really cute though. Cute because I once liked him.

Oct. was telling me the other night that he thinks the reason that he feeles uncomfortable cuddling with me because I liked him and he like me. But last night we were pretty close and it didn't feel weird or anything.

I have my aural skills listening exam in eighteen minutes! ACK! I should go practice for a few minutes!

last stop | next stop

mind the gap