mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Rock Your Body"; Justin Timberlake
Wearing: Kakhis and a red flag tee.
Feeling like: You blast to the left

Thursday, Jun. 26, 2003

You know what I think would make a good movie? So there's this girl and she wins a talent contest on TV and she really doesn't have that much talent at all. She really screams out her "music" in a really ugly manner. So then there's the guy that lost the contest who also has a lack of talent. He's out there trying to make it big. So as a *cough*sellout*cough* way of getting their names even more "out there" they make a movie. They could even call it "From Guy Who Lost The Contest, To Girl Who Won The Contest" And if they made a movie like that I would love it! It would be the greatest movie ever!

And what's up with this "From Justin, to Kelly" crap! Who in their right mind will go and see that? I mean yeah, for a guy with frizzed out hair and a nose that looks like a bat Justin is kind of cute (nowhere near Clay) and if you turn your head and squint real hard I guess Kelly could be attractive, but just because they can "sing" doesn't mean that they can act. But that's never mattered before in the Biz. So in the meantime I won't be going to see "From Justin, To Kelly" or "From Guy Who Lost The Contest, To Girl Who Won The Contest" however you want to look at it. But, I will be fifth in line for Clays CD when it comes out!

'Member Ian? The random guy I started dancing with over the weekend? Well I e-mailed him a couple days ago and we're going to try and get together if/when he comes up here over the summer months.

Work sucked last night. I don't hate it, but it just wasn't as fun as normal! I need some food before I get ready! Boo!

Yea! No work tomorrow until three! Yeah!

last stop | next stop

mind the gap