mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: The hum of the family computer
Wearing: Long-sleeved red Gap tee with Jeans
Feeling like: To conquer me

Sunday, Aug. 03, 2003

I guess it wasn't all bad. It was okay. I spent the entire way home today with my nose stuck in feminist non-fiction, which is funny because I don't consider myself a feminist. But it was something to do, nonetheless.

For the first time in over a year I went swimming. I used to love to get in to the pool and splash around with Molly, but then I grew up and decided that no one should be able to see me in a swim suit. Now I'm to the point where I don't care!!!! I had fun!

I'm tired and I don't want to stay home. I want to get out of here and not be around my family for a while! I love them, but I've gone into over load!

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mind the gap