mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Creatures"; 311
Wearing: Kakhis and a tee.
Feeling like: I go a little crazy sometimes

Monday, Jul. 28, 2003

I will never understand the way my mind works. Normally I think about everything all the time to the point that sometimes it drives me insane! I pick apart every movement people make around me, they way they speak to me, how rude that customer was at the store and what could have happened to them to put them in such a bad mood, why I feel the way I do that particular day, see? Everything. But I realized saturday night that when I'm at the Restaurant the only thing going through my head is "Where's that 10 1/2 mix, table 17 needs their ticket, I need to make sundae's for table 6 and the ranch needs to be refilled. Paul wants me to make a pizza for the crew, and I have two calzones at 8:30. The station needs to get closed down and I need to see who's helping close down the back tonight, pick up on 4, we need to roll silverware, why is there no silverwear?" Then when I get home at night I can't stop thinking about weather or not we got everything closed down. Pop machine? Coffee maker? Did we put the Tea away? Swept? Mopped? Did everything get wiped down? I didn't do the back stuff, I hope Erin did!

This job is driving me crazy. I need a night off. By the way, I've decided not to go to the wedding. I have three days in a row off and I'm going to take full advantage of that and go to Grand Junction with my family. I'll probably regret it and wish I would have stayed home, but I'm going to go anyway.

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mind the gap