mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Now and Forever"; JC Chasez
Wearing: Jammies
Feeling like: From the battles that rage

Monday, Apr. 07, 2003

Hee hee! I strted a review site! So you all have to come and get reviewed by ME! See that link down there below my pixie, just a little further and to the right? Yeah! That one! Click on that and you can go to my new site and I can review you! I would say that the first person can get a prize but I don't have money to buy anything so scratch that!

So one of my very dear friends, we'll call her Belle for the sake of a name, has cancer and is undergoing chemo therepy. As a result, she has lost all of her hair. She is my friend and I love her dearly! Nothing that happens to her will change that. One of the girls that I used to be friends with, gets upset and embarassed when Belle takes off her hat in public. How horrid is that? I can't even believe that I was friends with this person! Erg! My freshman year in high school I really didn't know this person, but from what I did know, I didn't think she was a very nice person. By definition I thought she was a bitch. Close to the end of my sophomore year we became friends and until about October of '02 we were still friends. Now I'm thinking that my first impression was correct. I don't know how she can want to drop someone that she has called her friend for almost two years now just because she wears a hot all the time. Does she think she's going to catch it? Ugh! I get so frusturated with close minded, people! On that note, I'm off to bed!

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mind the gap