mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Nada, mom's sleeping music's kinda off limits.
Wearing: Dark green cords and a black button down with ruffles.
Feeling like: You don't own me

Saturday, Dec. 28, 2002

An Actual Saturday entry, how unusual. Laundry. Mom will not stop bitching about laundry. How we have "seventy loads" and she'll "never get it all done" and "if only you girls would help a bit". Hmm. . .I can feel the guilt setting already.

I am now fifteen dollars richer and four hours poorer in the sleep department. Yessss. This woman that I babysat for works with my mom and is a very nice lady. Her husband, however is a lying, cheating S.O.B. Last week he told her that he was having an affair and that their marriage was over and he wasn't going to stop the affair, but he was going to continue living where he was. I just can't believe that someone would do that to someone else. I guess I'm stilll living in my perfect world where everybody loves everybody and everything is great.

Jeremy invited me over yesterday (but I had already comitted to that babysitting job) to watch "Fiddler on the Roof", which he got for Christmas on DVD. I felt bad for telling him I couldn't, we've been trying to get together for weeks. And one of us is always doing something.

This is me, signing off.

I want one of those weather pixie things.

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mind the gap