mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Cautioners Jimmy Eat World
Wearing: 20+ flights, 60+ crunches, 30 arm reps and I played on the weight machines
Feeling like: You take your steps away from me

Thursday, Sept. 19, 2002

*Yawn* Naps are good! I just had one, it was great! I'm going over to sara's after I write this to watch the Friends and basically everything that comes on after it. Funny huh? I"m going ot be sore again tomorrow, but I won't get a chance to go to the rec again until MOnday because I'm going home for the weekend. YEA! Home. I really don't have anything else. Today is my boring day. I have class at 930 and 1100 and that's it. And I didn't go to my 930 today. Sucks but I didn't. Okay so I need to pop an echinacea and hed over to Sara's. . .

last stop | next stop

mind the gap