mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Your Song" from Moulin Rouge
Wearing: see prev
Feeling like: Right now

Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2002

Okay, so the buzz is this. This is what just happened I told Nate that i really liked him and that I wanted to know what the deal was. If he like me or if the whole ting was pointless. Here's how it all happened:

"NatedogCool: I've kind of 'sensed' that you liked me

NatedogCool: sometimes...

Sopralto2319: well Know you know for sure.

NatedogCool: and that's why I was so interested in playing tennis with you, and trying to go to that movie with you (dumb employee meeting) and all that...

Sopralto2319: because I liked you?

NatedogCool: but if you're talking 'boyfriend' status... I'm really not sure what to think about that... because I really am just here in Alamosa temporarily

Sopralto2319: No I don't think I'm ready for that

Sopralto2319: that's why I'said I don't really want a boyfriend

Sopralto2319: :-)

NatedogCool: I mean, I obviously like you back...

NatedogCool: you would know if I didn't like you!

Sopralto2319: define "like"

NatedogCool: well, the physical attraction is there, I would say, and you are pretty fun to hang around with

NatedogCool: that kind of like

Sopralto2319: physical attraction? That's a first, actually this is all a first

Sopralto2319: thanks for clearing that up.

Sopralto2319: I"m sorry if I totaly just freaked you out

NatedogCool: haha

NatedogCool: maybe just a tiny bit...

NatedogCool: :-S

NatedogCool: I'm not really sure what to say..

NatedogCool: but if you mean you'd like to go out on a few dates and see what happens, that's cool with me!

NatedogCool: definitely

Sopralto2319: yeah that would be cool

NatedogCool: but I can't promise much...

NatedogCool: as you know, I'm kind of emotionally whacked right now, and I'm looking for the first chance I can get to get out of this town...

NatedogCool: so I don't want you to be hurt ... I just want you to understand that...

Sopralto2319: I totally understand that. I realized that right away, and at first I wasn't going to persue anything but then something told me that I should

NatedogCool: You can't say that 'it's a first' though...

Sopralto2319: what do you mean?

NatedogCool: I'm sure plenty guys have been attracted to you

NatedogCool: you have a stalker, ... I've never had one

Sopralto2319: it's funny b/c I'm actually laughing really REALLY hard

Sopralto2319: That and Kevin is in the room right now

NatedogCool: is Kevin the stalking man?

Sopralto2319: yes"

I was so wired that crystal and I walked around the dorms about 7 times. I'm so scared. What if this turns into more and then he has to leave and that would just suck? What if it turns out that we go out and he realizes that he doesn't really like me? What if things get weird? What if if kills Nev and me? What if. . . If only this were a perfect world.

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mind the gap