mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Ocean's Eleven
Wearing: Cleaning
Feeling like: They weren't expectin' that shit!

Sunday, Jun. 30, 2002

Oye, I hate packing, it always frusturates me! Should I take this? Do I have room for that? Can I get that one in? Do you see what I mean? So horrible! And don't even get me started on unpacking. . .

We leave for the airport at six in the morning. Ugh, I hate early flights, I think I have a traveling curse. I either get an early flight or a ridiculously late one. I really am cursed. So that's about it in my ridiculously boring life. . . miss me and I'll be back in a week.

(Wow, this is almost as exciting as the entry about me getting a new battery for my watch!)

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mind the gap