mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Song: Calgone; Band: Incubus; Album: S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
Wearing: A cute little peasent top and my four dollar jeans
Feeling like: Suppose I'm the guy who didn't pay triple A

Saturday, May. 25, 2002

Ladies and Gentlemen I am no longer a high school student. As of apprximatly 10:45 this morning I am a freshman in college. This is my first entry as a non-high school student. I didn't think that I would feel different but I do! I feel adult and grown up! And. . .sad:

Techau has quit. He's going to smokey hill and I don't if I'll ever see him again. I shouldn't say that, I know I'll see him. I mean in four to five years I'll be a teacher and be going to the same confrences and festivals as him and I still don't know why I care so much! It's not like I'm going to be there next year! I mean I'm going to college. COLLEGE! I'M GOING TO COLLEGE! Okay! I think I've got it all out of my system! Whew!

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mind the gap