mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Nada
Wearing: PJ's aww yeah!
Feeling like: I bite my tongue every time you come around, 'cause blood in my mouth beats blood on the ground

Sunday, May. 26, 2002

Okay, so I haven't really written anything in great detail for a while so here's the rundown since Thursday:

Thursday: Senior Breakfast was at 7:30. Our group that sang sounded okay, we did better than I thought, though. After that was graduation practice. They treated us like friggin' four-year-olds! Like we didn't understand Walk in, stay standing until after the National Anthem, then sit. It's really not that hard! Uncle Henry and Aunt Misty were here for dinner and we had some fabu grilled chicken and some awesome cobbler all made by moi! Merci! I was kind of shocked seeing as this was thie first time I had met my Aunt Misty. She wasn't what I expected but, then again I don't know what I was expecting. Thurday night at like ten-ish we drove to Littleton to get Auntie Babs and Uncle Tony. I don't remember much because I was really sleepy coming home.

Friday: Mom and I went to the bank to open a new account to put all my graduation money in. $470 at the time (I think I have another $400-500 to put in on Tuesday)and then we had to get ready for my par-tay! Sara and Nieve were the first ones here. Duh! Then Jeremy, then Layne and Conor! Conor! I didn't know he was coming! I wasn't prepared! He looked so hot! I wish I could have done something but being me, I stood back and watched him look hot. Yea, go me. Grandma made it perfectly clear that she could care less that I was graduating, she was only there to see Henry and Misty. As well as Dad's sister (I refuse to call her my Aunt) and Trevor and Beth, and Laurie and Matt. They all spent the entire party fawning over Henry and Misty! I wanted to be a selfish little bitch, because I had the right, did I not? and say "Hey, this is my day, my party and if you are going to sit here and treat me like shit than you can leave!" But I bit my tongue like a good girl.

Saturday: Awesome. I graduated! There was nothing bad about yesterday! I got my gift from Henry and Misty and it's awesome! It's a pink tool set! HA! I love pink tools! We took Grammy and Papa and A.B. and U.T. to dinner at La Placita and came home and went to bed! Mmm Wonderful. Oh and I did Yoga, since Sara got me the Yoga for Dummies tape! It's great. I heart yoga!

Sunday(so far): We got up early and took AB and UT to the train station. I have to go get ready to go to Laurie and Matt's for a barbeque that I'm going to hate because everyone will continue to fawn over Henry and Misty! BLECH!

last stop | next stop

mind the gap