mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Incubus--Wish you were here
Wearing: A blue button down
Feeling like: The sky rsembles a back lit conopy, with holes punched in it!

Tuesday, May. 14, 2002

Ugh! Finals! I'll be so happy when this is over! I have a Algebra test (not thie final, just a test) in about an hour. I feel rady but I don't know! I guess we'll findout on thursday, which is when I take my final! Wait I'm not ready! Come back! My Englis Final is tomorrow. A five minute presentation on the life of Jonathan Swift. Guess what I'm doing tonight!?

I'm going to call Sara tonight and see if she will help me make study sheets for my Algebra final so that I can use them as cheat sheets, I'm so afraid that I won't pass! I think if I go off of the old tests and make my sheets from that and put all the steps for *everything* on the paper, I'll be fine! Ijust have to get a D, just a D.

Nev and I are Kick boxing tonight! After, I finish the English project! Ugh, back to school. I'm pullin' a last minute cram session!

last stop | next stop

mind the gap