mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: The thunder outside!
Wearing: sweat shorts and a teeshirt! Mmm the touch, the feel of cotton, the fabric of our lives
Feeling like: I'm bouncin' off the walls again, I'm feelin' like a fool again

Tuesday, May. 14, 2002

Hooray for me! I finished my English Final with flying colors and I'm so ready for tomorrow! I'm also stoked because I have a total of three, yes three (3) days left in my High School career! It's awseome! I love it! I'm so ready for college! Mom, Dad: Buy me sheets and towels and send me away!

It thundered tonight! It reminded me of when I was a little girl and every time I saw lightning I would run to my dad, crying. And then I started telling my dad that I thought it was cool, even though I was still scared. Then Molly started calling it lightling. We all laughed. Those were the days. . .

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mind the gap