mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Feeling like:

Monday, Apr. 29, 2002

I hate being sick. I feel gross no matter what I do I know that's part of being sick but ugh, can't it just go away!

Nieve will be home in three days! I can't wait! We're taking kickboxing ever summer break and everything. Summer is going to rock!

Thursday I got my schedule set up for college next year. I have all music classes except for two. I'm going to love college! I hope.

I'm getting paranoid again. Like I wonder if my friends really like hanging out with me or not. And (before I forget: random piece of information. Sara from church told me yesterday that she is 97.8% sure that Scott likes me, she says she can just tell. The problem is I don't like Scott as anything more than a firend. I think/hope that he knows that! I'm really confused as to what this means right now. let me think and I'll get back to it.) sometimes I feel like they're just waiting for me to leave so that they can talk about me.

Once again I apalogize for the short entry but as you can see nothing exciting ever happenes in my life.

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return" ~FYI on that quote, I'm quoting from a Nat King Cole song, not Moulin Rouge. Nothing against Moulin Rouge, though, it's a fun movie, I love it.

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mind the gap