mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Feeling like:

December 01, 2001

Dear Angel,

Oh man! So we're supposed to go out to dinner tonight and Molly is still being a bitch! I'll be so happy when she grows out of this phase. With me it lasted well in to my sophomore year. I'll be in College by then so it won't be a big deal.

Ah! I forgot! I sent off my application on Wednesday, or maybe it was Thursday. I thik it was Thursday, Eh not important! But what is important is that Bernie is going to apply too! I'll be so happy if she goes, b/c if she goes then I'll have my three best friends at college. and we'll have a ton of the same classes because we're getting the same degree!

Mom and Dad are buying my a new bed for Christmas! I can't wait! One day over break Sara and Nieve are coming over and we're going to paint my room. I may not have been able to have a cool lookin' room for my high school career, but look at the room I'll have to come home to next year! I can't wait for college!

Love always,


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mind the gap