mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "There there"; Radiohead on the radio ( they need to stop playing this song.)
Wearing: A long sleaved O.N. shirt and black yoga pants
Feeling like: Just 'cause you feel it.

Thursday, Jun. 05, 2003

**Small note: I hate using nick names so they are no more.**

I had to go to the chiropractor yesterday and he said that I have the beginnings of cervical disk degeneration and if we can't get my back muscles to relax within the next two weeks I'm basically screwed.

But on to the good news Corrine (Roomie) called me yesterday and told me that she got put in Coronado, meaning we get to be roommates again!!! YEA!!!! I can't wait now! Dustin (October) is on 2B, Scott's on 2C, and Reenie and I are on 3B YEA!!!!!! The only downside is that B-wimg was never redone so our rooms will be a little ghetto! BUT WHO CARES?!?!?!?

If you remeber from along time ago a "saga" that I should write into an opera occured with a young gent name Nate? This ring any bells? Well he left me a note the other day, I think I mentioned this but it totally took me by surprise. He now has me listed as his nemisis. But Kudos for being the bigger person. I was just going to forget the whole thing ever happened and pray that I didn't run into him. Mostly because the last time I tried being the bigger person (With Sara and Nev) it totally backfired. (Randomness: I work with Sara's cousin at the store.)

But I have to dye the lil sis's hair and take a shower before I go to the chiro at 3:30 and off to work at five.

Have a great day and everyone remember to tip your waitress!

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mind the gap