mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Molly playing on the piano
Wearing: School tee and dark denim
Feeling like: Under the Christmas tree. . .

Saturday, Nov. 29, 2003

So I was thinking. I've told very few people about my current situation. I've told Corrina and Mikey, James and Nathan. That's it. I told these people because I trust them. I trust that they will remain my friends through this. Now I had this thought the other day, if you have a problem with this then fuck you. So I'm a little messed up. Who isn't, really? We're all a little messed up. And I'm a lot less messed up than a lot of other people. I'm not hearing voices in my head. I'm not trying to kill myself, or anyone else for that matter! I'm just not happy. And if that's all it takes for someone not want to be around me then really, fuck them. And if that's you, then fuck you.

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mind the gap