mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Forefit"; Chevelle
Wearing: jeans and a school shirt
Feeling like: I want to prove I'm right

Friday, May. 23, 2003

Well my first night at work was pretty good. I didn't really do anything, I just followed this girl Jill around and watched her wait tables, filled out paper work, and listened to Christina (one of the managers who was working as a cook last night) tell me everything (or almost) I'd need to know. Every one was really nice. There Paulie and Deanna (the owner's, my bosses), Toni (a busser), Jill (another waitress), Andrew(a [not cute enough for any excitement but nice] dishwasher), and Christina. I haven't met the other girls yet but I will soon. The unbelieveably bad news: I have to work Saturday morning meaning I only get to go to the first five minutes of Graduation. BUST! I know!

I feel like I've been leting myself down by not updating every five seconds like I used to! I miss seeing that I had six entries in one day and things like that. I miss it!

I'm reading "The Autobiography of Vivian" again (It's the one that reminds me of neon7c) I don't know why I started reading it again. I just picked it up the other night and started reading. I think my summer goals are going to become working, reading and working out at least three to four times a week.

I'm waiting for my forzen tortalini to become unfrozen and hot so that I can eat it. I was studying the menu for work and all that food going though my head was making me hungry. Mmmm!

But so anyway, I'm going up to the foot ball field at 8:15ish in the morning and hanging out with Tod and hopefully Dan and Dave (Dawson's friends from Elementary School) will be there and I can hang out with them too! But I have to leave at 9:45 to get to --hang on tortalini calls-- work on time and then hopefully I'll beable to get back to Dawson's for at least five minutes of his party!

Mmm, leftover tortalini! Soooo good. Have you ever had water with lime juice in it? Very good!

last stop | next stop

mind the gap