mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Times like these"; Foo Fighters
Wearing: Capris and a tee
Feeling like: It's times like these. . .

Sunday, Jun. 22, 2003

I had the BEST weekend of my summer so far!!! Firday morning Scott came to pick me up at like eight thirty with his amazingly hot friend Adam and I spent the next four hours in a car with two of the gayest men on the planet! I slept for three of these hours and laughed the other one. We met Dustin at his house and Corrine soon followed. It was like old times again! I loved it more than anything!!! We just sat around and watched movies and talked like we'd never been apart! Then Corrine and I went over to see Joy. Joy is living with Nieve (my ex-best friend) for the summer and when I rang the doorbell she was sitting on the couch, she just turned her back to the door and continued painting her toenails. Joy answered the door eventually and we talked to her for about a half an hour. Annnnnnd Mondo was there!!!!! (Nev's little brother!) He had no clue that his sister and I weren't hanging out any more and told me he missed me and would e-mail me soon! And Nev also spoke to me for the first time in over nine months, and she wasn't hostile like I thought she would be. But on to Saturday.

Saturday we spent the day at the dunes playing games with the freshmen and giving them the low down (did I just say that?) on what college would be like. Then Corrine and Pam and I braved the freezing water and hiked up to Zapata falls. By two thirty we were covered in sand, feeling very dirty, and wanting a shower and a nap more than anything! So we went to the dorms and did just that. At like five I awoke to somebody *cough*Dustin*cough* tickling my ear (we have this thing where we go after each other's hot spots) and I almost slapped him because I didn't know who it was.

So at dinner this amazingly sexy man who works for the admissions office gave a little speech and (this seems irrelevant but will come into play soon!) told us all about casino night. We stayed at casino night for like ten minutes, I delt a couple hands of blackjack and we left for Dustin's. we got there at nine-ish and watched "Wild Things" because Matt Dillion is hot and waited for every one to show up. But I was talking about something I read in Cosmo about how to make your man last longer and Dustin (who had been changing clothes in his room) came out and said "Oh my god Courtney, if I were straight--no, if you weren't my best friend I would drang you into my room and have sex with you right now!" So I turned about eighteen shades of red and just then everybody showed up.

To make a long story really short: I had a little too much vodka! Oops!! We ended up at Weekends, Reenie drove and started dancing. Dustin and I danced for like thirty minutes before we sat down. We're sitting there just talking, well screaming over the music. When the bartender comes up to me and hands me a beer (clairification: I'm 19) and asks me if I'm 21. I told her no and she just smiled and said "That guy over there wanted me to bring this over." And it's none other that the hottie from the admissions office!!! So I walked over and thanked him for the drink, and naturally we started talking. He found out I was only 19 and looked like he had swallowed a lemon. Then I found out why. He was 26. So we talked for a while and then he left because he had "to get up early" so did I, but big deal. I went back to the table and I'm talking to this guy Ian and Adam comes back in with Mikey and tells us that he's just had the greatest sex of his life (can we say buzz kill??) and Ian and I promptly went outside to talk. After a while Dustin came out with Pam and they were trying to teach us how to two-step (is this not the funniest picture? Me, two stepping???) and Ian grabs me and says "Or a I could teach you how to swing dance." Then things got weird! There was a misunderstanding between Reenie and I and she went back to the dorms and I ended up getting a ride back with Chris and Ian. We pull up to the dorms and Ian says "You can come over if you want and hang out for a while, maybe spend the night if you can't get back in?" I then explained that the D-wing door was broken and that I should have no problem getting inside.

Corrine and I "overslept" and Scott, Adam and I said goodbye to everyone and I got back an hour ago. Sleep will be good. I have to work tomorrow at 9:15. Boo!

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mind the gap