mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Feeling like:

Monday, Feb. 04, 2002


The promise of tomorrow is not hanging in the air. More like the threat. When your would revolves around something so small, it's hard to keep that world revolving when a leader is missing. Okay, so that's a really churched up way of saying Techau and Layne are at all-state today and tomorrow and it's going to be really boring. Ugh.

For some reason I'm really missing Josh today. I don't know why. I just looked up at the wall and saw a picture of him and missed him. Strange, no?

It's really cold out but the sun is shining. I hate that. If it's cold, it should be cloudy. I like clouds!

Did I write that I got plants. Yup, two spider plants and an ivy plant. The spider plants are Laurie and Xandar and the Ivy is Brad Brandon (After Brad Pitt and Brandon Boyd, of course.)

Always, Court

"Make a desprate move or else you'll win!"

last stop | next stop

mind the gap