mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: That Michelle Branch one!
Wearing: Nada, next week I swear!
Feeling like: If you want to, I could save you!

Saturday, Oct. 12, 2002

So I stayed the last two nights at Crystals. Her family is way cute! They are adorable! And they are just too cute, I can't get over it, but her parents are really young. Her mom is 38. I couldn't believe that, my mom is 52! I feel old because my parents are. Aww, I know poor me! Don't pity me I'm just being sarcastic!

Not much has really happened, but I was listening to a Michelle Branch song yesterday and it made me think of Dustin! How pathetic! Umm, I'm home!!! Yea to being home!

last stop | next stop

mind the gap