mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Nice and Slow"; Usher
Wearing: workout clothes, I'm all sweaty too, you think I'm sexy now, don't you?
Feeling like: Let me take you to a place nice and quiet

Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2003

Let me take you to a place dark and scary. In the depths of my mind, clouded with thoughts of Comm. Arts I and Algebra there is the ever present thought that I am simply not good enough. That I will simply never be good enough. That I haven't even started and I am already a failure. That there is nothing I can do in life to make my self achieve a goal. All I can do is pray and dream. I can't act on anything that I want. I am left with wishful thinking and dreams.

My senior year I came to the conclusion that I was not destined for greatness. I put my heart, soul, life and jepordized my health for something that I loved and the person in charge did not take notice. He gave my credit to a student who was constantly late and absent and really not that talented. If I was given an award it was shared with this student. When I was passed on the lead by a sophomore. When I was lost and forced to turn to a junior for help. Is life waiting to send me my greatness? Was my own personal greatness waiting until I got here? Or am I destined for mediocrity? I stongly believe the latter is true.

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mind the gap