mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: The hum of the computer
Wearing: Black tee and pink Victoria's Secret panties
Feeling like: To bed before the good turns to bad!

Tuesday, Jun. 03, 2003

Hello, my name is Courtney and I am $40 dollars richer than the last time you heard from me! Woo hoo! Way to wait tables self! You are quite awesome! Even though you smell like pasta and pepperoni and have lettus under your fingernails! Even though you've sweated through your make-up and your hair has frizzed, you, self, are glowing! Keep it up!

Oh, and you are also reading an entry from the newest reviewer of Diaryreviews!

Whee hee! It's a good night! Now, to bed before the good turns to bad! That always happens to be, but I'm in too good of a mood to bitch about not having a boyfriend, or that the last guy that had prosepcts and liked me back turned out to be gay, or that all of my closest friends are at least 250 miles away, damn!

But still happy! Oo and I get a DSL hook up in my room tomorrow!

last stop | next stop

mind the gap