mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "I'll be there for you"; Acapella by some random group that I have on CD
Wearing: A pink gap shirt with tiny white stripes and blue jeans. Woo hoo
Feeling like: 'Cause you're there for me too.

Friday, Feb. 07, 2003

"Another Lonely weekend, another lonely night." So either you'll be getting up to the nano-second updates, or none at all. As od noon today both of my roommates are gone. Roomie's in Utah and Suitie had to go home for a funeral. So. . .

There's a jazz festival tomorrow I was supposed to go with Suitie, but since she went home Ms. Spirituality and I are going to go to lunch, the performance of our school's Jazz band, their clinic and then to a coffee/smoothie shop to see the Jazz Choir sing. Then I'm going over to a friends house. She is a senior in choir and is having a movie night. I should go to wal-mart and get something to take.

I'm so bored. I need something to do. I have a paper due on Monday. Nah. I have Math homework. Maybe. I have tons of movies I could watch. Yup! Johnny we have a winner!

If you're bored too, you could talk to me! I sound so desparate, oh wait, that would be because I am!

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mind the gap