mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Like a Stone"; Audio Slave
Wearing: Jeans and a tee shirt, I'm claning what do you expect?
Feeling like: until the day was done. . .

Monday, May. 12, 2003

Yea! I am no longer MIA! Woo hoo! I'm home and still unpacking! I'm trying to rearrange the boudoir so it's a little more "User friendly." So far I've only used my bed. I want to try and get everything done today but I really don't think that's going to happen. But I can try right?

I picked up applications for Old Navy, Hallmark, Bath and Body Works, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, Ulta, JoAnn's, and Borders. I'm dropping them all off tomorrow morning. I want to leave the house around eight. Ugh, Must. get. job.

I've talked to October a couple times an he thinks he's going to try and come up over memorial day. Which would be totally awesome because that's Dawson's graduation. Woo hoo! Speaking of Dawson! He went to prom on Saturday night and I have never seen him look better! It was too cute! Aww!

So I'm going to try and get back to cleaning! Dad's 'puter friend is coming over tonight and Dad is going to see if he can and how much it would be to network our two computers together so I could also have high speed access! Sweet! I want! I want! I need! And maybe, just maybe, he can get my CD burner going again! PLEEEEEEAAAASE!!!!! So I'm off. . .

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mind the gap