mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Iris"; Goo Goo Dolls
Wearing: Jammies
Feeling like: All I can breathe is your life

Friday, Mar. 21, 2003

So I didn't get to go to Tod's this morning. She called a little after ten to say she was going to a movie with another friend and would drop by in the morning. Then, being the retard I am, I overslept and missed her. I don't know ifshe has school or not, I'm guessing not because she went out, but I thought she said she did. I could go see her later today. But she dropped off my birthday present and it's beautiful! It's a choker. I love it, I don't know if I can describe it but I can try. okay no I can't do it. But it's beautiful.

The boys were over for dinner last night again. And I finally got to make my own noodles and sauce. It's was pretty tasty if I say so myself. Huge thank yous to Jamie Oliver for providing the recipie. I want to make a pie today. I want to clean up my boudoir. I want to move the dresser. I want to start packing up my stuff. I don't want to go back. I hope my Jamers is okay. She lost her kitty. I'm worried about her.

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mind the gap