mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Always"; Saliva
Wearing: Sweatshirt and jeans
Feeling like: Am I the reason you breathe?

Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003

Wanna see my new banner? Here it is:

The boys down the hall are fighting and all I can hear is "Clean off the fucking eyehole! I can't see anything!" Wonder what they were doing! Heh heh. The hall is relativly quiet otherwise. Surprisingly.

They changed my requirements so I'm ahead on half of my music credits and behind on all of my general education classes. That's going to suck ass!

I should be getting ready for bed. With this sore throat I need all the sleep I can get. I just know I can fight this off and I have to! I have a recital on Friday and that contest on Saturday. Oh that contest is called N.A.T.S. I have no clue what it stands for but I'm driving home Friday after recital and then I sing at like 9:45 Saturday morning. My voice teacher thinks I have a pretty good chance at making the finals and I was even sick at the lesson today. But anyway, if I make the finals those are at 3:00 and as soon as I'm done there I can leave. So I'm guessing that I'll get back to school at 8:00 at the very latest. So in effort to save my dying voice I've been sucking cough drops and downing water like there's no tomorrow. I don't know why I've gotten this again. I take good care of myself.

Ah, so the reason that I haven't seen December all week (yeah all two days) is because he's out doing recruiting so he's only in from like 3-5 or something like that. I don't know. But I promised some noise about this April guy. He's actually taller than me! Woo hoo! He's a sweetheart, he really makes me laugh. Last night he was hanging out with one of the boys who lives next door and they came over to say hi. But he's got brownish blondish hair and clear bule eyes and one of those smiles that gilrs will do anything for. I've got to be careful of that I can tell already. The difference with this one is that I'm actually flirting with him and it's not taboo! Heh heh! This could get interesting!

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mind the gap