mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty in my head
Wearing: Old Navy work shirt and jeans
Feeling like: Listening to Tom Petty

Saturday, Jun. 14, 2003

Why do I second guess everything? Why do I play the "what if" game? and Why do I let myself do this! Something good (hopefully good) happenes and I find everything that could go wrong. Why do I have so many problems trusting people when I get in these situations. I hate to have that hurt once, hurt forever out look and I don't know why but everytime this happens I'm afraid that it's all a joke! When things were going with Dustin I was determined it was because he just wanted to see how gullable I was. Why can't I just throw caution into the wind and live my life like there's no tomorrow?!?

In other news, I was driving home from work today, I was doing everything I could not to let what I was thinking about come into my head (because then I had to shoot the good thoughts down) and flipping through the radio stations and "Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty came one of the stations. So I've got the window down, the wind flowing through my hair and fingers as I'm speeding (65 in a 40) down Riverdale singing along at the top of my lungs a la "Jerry Miguire." For the couple of minutes that song was on I forgot everything that I was thinking about and just drove! I con't remember the last time I felt so happy and carefree. Forget the fact that I have to go to work tonight, I was perfectly content driving down the road listening to Tom Petty.

last stop | next stop

mind the gap