mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Vanessa Carloton
Wearing: Yoga. . .STILL!
Feeling like: I wonder if you ever think of me

Sunday, Aug. 11, 2002

Well well a new entry, a new time. A change I was thinking I've gotten googled twice in the last two weeks. That's right it happened again! Not the point. . . I'm getting paranoid about people reading and finding out that me is really me, does that make sense? I hope so! I'm going to disguise some of the names of my pals and my name so I hope you won't be hurt! (If you already know my real name HOORAY YOU!)

Last night I went to Shari's(I consumed more alcohol last night than I have in my whole life. I had a beer and two glasses of wine. I know it's not much and I was egsagerating when I said that that was more than I've had in my whole life. But once again: Not the point. . .) And we talked forever. It was really nice I haven't talked to her in so long. She told me about her college days and such and that she really admired me for not having a boyfriend and all that other stuff I haven't done. She said that that would be something that would set me apart from other girls at school. Plus she said I'm very mature for my age (I don't get it! I'm like a four year old!) and in that sense guys my age were too "young" for me and I should persue "older men". HA! That's good because younger guys even guys the same age as me are a total turnoff! Give me the twenty year olds!! But it was great, I'm going to miss her. She brought her boys over tonight and Anikan stayed and watched Oceans Eleven with Suzanne and I.

Squishy and I saw Road to Perdition Friday night! HELL YEAH! One: Tom Hanks is Freakin' amazing! I love that guy. Two: Great story! I think I have a thing for gangster movies now. Three: Jude Law was friggin' HOT in that movie! He could assassinate me any day!!

I went to Melissa's baby shower today! I'm going to miss her too! I don't get to see the baby until October! Oye! That kind of bugs me but what can you do?

What *can* you do?

last stop | next stop

mind the gap