mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Goo Goo Dolls
Wearing: nothing
Feeling like: Let's pretend

Tuesday, Jul. 30, 2002

Mmm. . . tonight is very strange to me, I feel like I am watching myself do everything. I feel like my life is like one big movie tonight. So not real, so superficial. . .

. . . he traced his hand down her arm and looked into her eyes. His smile grew sweeter as his gaze deepened. She felt drops of perspireation form on the back of her neck and fall down her spine. 'I'm scared' she thought. How was it possible that two beings could be so physically close but feel so emotionally distanced? He finnaly went what he was after. He pulled her body close to his in a warm embrace. She could feel his hands roam up and down her back ans suddenly she felt safe. No one could touch her. no one could hurt her. It was a feeling she had longed for all of her eighteen years. It was the deepest feeling she had ever felt. He pulled away from her and brought her hand to his lips. . .

. . .so not happening! I'm going to leave that to the world. Did the above happen or am I just making thigs up?

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mind the gap