mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Some movie the sis is watching
Wearing: still nothing, but playing at a park for a couple hours has got to burn a few calories, right?
Feeling like: You see I've already brought you respect

Tuesday, Jul. 30, 2002

I'm thinking of starting a quoted page and leaving it open to entries. i don't know yet though. I don't know if I'm going to.

Oh, joined ten new rings today and am waiting for three more to (hopefully) approve me.

I took down my posters yesterday and sent them with Sara to get them laminated. I sent one Incubus, a Tinkerbelle, my Matrix and Moulin Rouge. The first two weren't up b/c I got them about three months ago and I just figured that I would stick them in a tube and save them for school. So I'm not "missing" them. But the other two were on my door, on the outside. It makes the hallway, even the living/dining room look so bland. I really want to get a Life as a House poster! Oye! I just need some LAAH paraphanailia (did I spell that right?)

Kyle's coming over tonight-- no wait I'm going over there to watch Star Wars: Episode I. He told me i could watch it by myself, but I told him that would be like reading a required english book. You read the whole thing but don't get any of it. I told him I needed him to explain things to me. God that sounds horrible like I'm some 14 year-old-girl with her first boyfriend saying "I need him!" Ugh, for the record I would just like to say that Kyle is not my boyfriend and will never be my boyfriend!

Nikki and I went out to Bromely Park last night and found the school and played at the park. We slided and swinged and. . .it was actually really fun.

If I get the basement and my room clean and my thank you notes done I'm going to try and start packing. yeah, I know I've been saying that for weeks. . .but today I mean it. I think. . .

last stop | next stop

mind the gap