mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Disturbed
Wearing: nothing
Feeling like: More than you know, I need this

Sunday, Jul. 28, 2002

Miss me? I'm back and suprisingly not depressed after spending forty-eight hours with realitves. I don't know how many times I answered the question "So where are you going to school?" But it's all good.

I totally love the new E-mail account. NO MORE SPAM! Ah, the sheer bliss.

Summer is taking it's toll on me I"m getting bored as you can see I'm creating new paragraphs every three sentences.

I need to go and see Nik, I wonder if she's home. . .

I need to call Nev and find out when/if we're going to 'Mosa. . .

Ditto for Sara. . .

I need to cal Sherm, he said someting about a lake trip. . .

I need to get together with Lane before I leave for school. . .

I need to get Techau his shit. . .

Ah, scratch that last one fuck him . . .

I need to pack. . .

I need. . . to enjoy the fact that I'M LEAVING FOR COLLEGE IN LESS THAN THREE WEEKS!!!!!!!!!

Ah yes, college. . .

last stop | next stop

mind the gap