mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Dj N
Wearing: nothing still
Feeling like: I'm in the sky tonight

Thursday, Jul. 18, 2002

I started packing yesterday. Mostly just books. Mom wanted to know what I was going to do with all of them I just said "Duh Mom, read 'em!" I know, so fifth grade, but it worked.

With my partner in crime gone I'm so bored. I got a pstcard from Berlin the other day it said "Howdy from Berlin! Ok, I have noidea what this postcard says so it's either Whaz-up or you smell like bratwurst. Sorry. So, I ::insert heart here:: Berlin! Besides all of the bad history it is the prettiest city! We haven't been here long & I already love it here! Well, I miss you very much & I'll see you soon! Oh, FYI every wonder why everyone is like half German? It's because German guys are Friggin HOT!! Just thought you should know. Love ya!

The one & only Nev :-) THE FURY!"

Pretty depressing that all I have to write about is a postcard I got! So Umm, I really need to start working out. Any ideas for motivation?

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mind the gap