mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Nickelback
Wearing: nothing :-(
Feeling like: She's just a woman, never again!

Monday, Jul. 15, 2002

When we were in Califorina last week Sarah called me concieted.

When I was younger I used to stare at pictures on my walls and watch their facial expressions change slightly. (I had/have a very active imagination) I would stare and stare at them and slowly their frozen smiles would begin to change in to hateful sneers. It was how I judged my self esteem. Sometimes the smiles would grow bigger and brighter and sometimes they would turn into that horrible "meany face". It was frightening. As I've gotten older I've realized that it was just my imagination, but it still happens.


I wanted to start packing today but it never happened and probably won't. I have this small painting project that I'm doing (I would explain it but it would just confuse you) and VBS tonight.

I have a new ring (just call me a ring whore) it's LifeAsAHouse. Guess why? Check it out if you're interested. I'm too lazy to do links right now. sorry!

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mind the gap