mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Josh Groban
Wearing: Yoga and wlaking around San Francisco yesterday
Feeling like: We pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go

Tuesday, Jul. 09, 2002

Okay, so as you know from my previous entry I've been at the Western States Youth Gathering in San Jose, CA for the last week. Here is what I wrote down while I was there:


We had to get up at five to get ready to get to the airport at 7:00. Way too early. The flight was easy, Sarah got stopped a security. Not much else, hte people in out particular group aren't very friendly!

Tuesday: We started our servant project today. We had to clean out this nasty bactierial lake. The best part of the day we getting to go to the YMCA to take a shower. I can't wait till tomorrow to go to a hotel!!!

Monday 9:15 or 10:15 on the plane:

As we fly off in to the darkness of a Monday night the light on the wings of our 737 grow brighter with every passing second. The music of Josh Groban and The Corrs flow through my ears as familiar Italian phrases such as dubitar, pahrzza, and se tu jog memories loose from the corners of my mind. I stare out the window into the darkness that covers my home state and I realize that I miss my parents, my family. I say I silent prayer thanking Jesus for blessing my with such a wonderful family. I am looking forward tobeing home in my own state/county/city/block/neighborhood/house/room/bed. I miss driving west on 36 just to get closer to the mountains.

Have to go. . .we're going to land(YEA).


Josh thinks we should get together. He wants us to go out sometime this summer (just as friends)(I think)(I hope). He just lies so much, but I like him, besides his giant ego, he's nice. But I don't know. Any sugestions? help! What do I do?

I bought this book at the airport in San Fracisco. It's called "The Autobiography of Vivan" a novel by Vivian Livingston as told to Sherrie Krantz. It's by the same woman who runs Vivianlives.com. A website that I haven't been to yet, I'll give you a review when I check it out. I picked it up becuae the picture on the cover reminded me of Meredith. I'm only about fifty pages into it, but I love it, and she even reminds me of Meredith. Great book! Pick it up! Maybe I'll start a book review on my site! That would bring out the nerd in me huh?

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mind the gap