mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Fantasia: 2002
Wearing: Yoga! Go me I know!
Feeling like: He's up and gone away, seems so far away

Wednesday, Jun. 26, 2002

Orthodintist appointment today. He said we're going to aim for Christmas Break. Six more months. Six more months of metallic smile. So much for getting a date during first semester, huh? Oh well. C'est la vie! You know I don't really care! Braces have become a part of who I am. After they come off that will be a part of me gone, but a nicer smile. Which I don't know why I care, I hate teeth. They're so ugly. Granted, healthy theeth are much prettier than nasty rotted ones.

Did I ever write about "Life as a House"? It's an amazing movie! It's incredible. Plus, Hayden Christiansen's in it and we all know he's hot! But, it made me think about life and all that we find important. How we are remembered. How we are thought of. How people change once they know you're dying. And then after you die, what will people do with what you left them? Will they keep it to themselves or share it with the world. It's a fantastic movie: see it.

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mind the gap