mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Joyful Joyful, from Sister Act II
Wearing: A star shirt and jeans
Feeling like: I'm down with G-O-D! Yeah you know me!

Friday, May. 17, 2002

This is it! *sniff*sniff* I'm done! I've taken all of my finals and done all of my credits! I'm finished! A week from tomorrow I will be graduating. And then I will be going to college. I will be on my own. No parents. No grandparents. No bratty little sisters. Just potential bad roommates but either way, bad or good, c'est la vie! I'll deal!

I did my French final today and i remembered why I love the language so much! It's so pretty! I love the way it sounds! My favorite phrase is C'est dommage. Basically it means What a shame!

I can't believe this is it!!!

Layne and Kyle M. Are coming over tonight. We're going to watch Zoolander and "Friends" from last night, Layne and I watched but Kyle missed it! Anybody who saw that: Whaddya think! Personally I think Rachel and Ross just need to get together and stay together. AND Rachel was very emotional then and she didn't know what she was saying.

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mind the gap