mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Back in the U.S.S.R by the Beatles
Wearing: A boys Old Navy Tee and jeans
Feeling like: The man who makes you cry isn't worth your tears, but the man who's worth your tears won't make you cry

Tuesday, May. 07, 2002

I'm going to miss Layne so much next year! Here's why: I took the AP test yesterday so I wasn't at school. And this morning Layne was like "I know it's only been like three days since I saw you but I really missed you!" I felt so loved. It just made me realize that I don't need a boy to love me because I have friends. It would be nice but it's something I can deal wiht right now.

Oh and thi is dumb too, but last night at Molly's Choir Concert some boys were trying to take down the risers and they were just making mor work for themseves. So I showed them theright way to do it, and they were like "You're really cool, are you in college?" And It's just a dumb thing that makes me feel special.

Sorry for the short entry, just another example of my uneventful life!

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mind the gap