mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: the hum of the computer
Wearing: A Valparasio University Tee with paint from my room and pj pants with bras and underwear on them
Feeling like: Someday when I'm awfully low, and the world is cold. I will feel a glow just thinking of you, and the way you look tonight

Friday, May. 03, 2002

Sleep calls to me like an old friend.

Exaustion envelops me like a blanket just out of the dryer.

Boredom looms ahead like an erie fog.

Lust flows in my viens like a taunting child.

What I think does not count.

What I feel does not matter.

What I see is not real.

What I hear is silence, nothing but silence.

Sara is coming over tomorrow to help me with my Algebra. Lord Save us all!

I have to put together the drama scrapbook this weekend.

I have to survive this week.

last stop | next stop

mind the gap