mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Feeling like:

Tuesday, Mar. 05, 2002


What a day! I know there are people who read this that know the person I'm going to write about so don't say anything about it. Alison and Techau are separated. He told me today. And I didn't know what to think. I still don't know what to think. He said he didn't want us to treat him different. I don't know why we would. But I'm now in a strange position in my thinking. He's my friend, but he's my teacher, and I get confused as to where to draw the line. I don't get it! If I talk to him too much Kalenna thinks I'm sleeping with him, if I back off, he thinks I'm angry with him! I can't please anyone. Grr. What's to be thought? What's to be said?


"Those left standing will make millions writing books on the way it could have been"

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mind the gap