mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Feeling like:

Sunday, Oct. 20, 2002

Diaryland Trading Cards!

member since 12-01-2001
200+ entries
Gold Edition

Description: I'm sipping on Guava Nectar right now and listening to Audio Vent! YEA!

Strengths: Hmm, singing, writing (sometimes), sarcasam, manipulation (the good kind), smiles, and being cruel to myself.

Weaknesses: sarcasam, older men, being cruel to myself, little debbie swiss cake rolls, guava nectar, incubus, music.

Special Skills: Singing and having a freakishly large range and stinking my foot in my mouth!

Weapons: Pen, keyboard, internet connection!

Quote for life: "Sometimes change can be so constant that you don't realize it 'till you've changed."

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mind the gap